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Free self-help downloads

Pave your way to self-development with free resources that address your difficulties. 
There’s no obligation to attend therapy for these tools to be effective, so you can use them to your advantage regardless. Additionally, they can be a plus to your self-help journey. 
Allow yourself to gain insights that may improve your quality of life. Even if you’re not ready for more consistent support yet, you still don’t have to go through hardships alone.
In doubt? Book me for a free online 15-minute call or use the chat button on your screen.

In doubt? Get a free 15-minute call

Product Short Description All your questions about therapy answered Book your free 15 minute phone call so you get the information you need before making your decision about couples therapy


Free Download – Getting a good night’s sleep

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Free Download – Preparing for a difficult conversation

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Free Download – Regulating your breathing when stressed

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